Monday, January 31, 2011

Honey for Health

Raw Honey
With obesity on the rise and health concerns like diabetes and high cholesterol becoming more prevalent in our society, sweets are usually considered a big "no-no." According to WHFoods, honey should not be black-listed. In fact, several studies have proven that natural honey (not artificial) can lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol.  Additionally,  individuals with type 2 diabetes saw a significantly lower increase in blood sugar when consuming natural honey versus either dextrose or sucrose (refined sugars.)

Already limiting your sugar intake? Honey has a place in your home as well. The study of honey: its effects on weight gain, anxiety and memory in rats compared the effects of a low glycemic index (GI) sugar-free diet with the effects of a sucrose diet and a honey-based diet in rats. After a year, the following was observed of the honey-based diet:
  • Reduced Weight Gain
  • Reduced Percentage of Body Fat
  • Decreased Anxiety
  • Increased Spatial Recognition Memory 
  • Increased HDL ("Good") Cholesterol (15-20% higher than rats fed sugar or sucrose diets)
  • Improved Blood Sugar Levels (HA1c)
  • Reduced Oxidative Damage
And, when you or your child has a cough, give them a spoonful of buckwheat honey, or another natural honey, as opposed to dextromethorphan  (a common cough-suppressant drug found in most over-the-counter cough medicines.) Honey is natural, tastes great, and more effective at suppressing a cough. (NOTE: HONEY IS NOT SAFE FOR INFANTS AGED 1 YEAR AND UNDER.)
So the next time you have a sweet tooth, whip up some homemade ice cream (recipe below) or add a spoonful of honey to your coffee or tea and feel great about eating a natural sweetener as opposed to yucky refined sugars!


Why I love worms, Worm composting (vermicomposting )

So I was thinking how could I possibly make my own fertilizer and save some cash? One of the solutions I came across was worm composting. Worm composting is a method for recycling food waste into a rich, dark, earth-smelling soil conditioner. The worms will eat fruit and vegetable peels, pulverized egg shells, tea bags and coffee grounds, And also require a bedding of shredded newspaper and cardboard, shredded fall leaves, chopped-up straw and other dead plants, seaweed, sawdust, dried grass clippings, aged manure and peat moss.

How-to: worm composting links

Pic of the Day- January 31, 2011- Alley

Alley - Syracuse ,  NY - Babel  01.29.2011
Quote"Unhappiness indicates wrong thinking, just as ill health indicates a bad regimen." Paul Bourget
Fact Buddhist meditation techniques are used for the result of quieting the over-active mind.
TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
  #11 -  Hemp "Fuel"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two Ingredient Ice Cream – No Machine Required

Two Ingredient Ice Cream (no ice cream machine required)Prep: 10 minutes Freeze: 6 hours
1/2 cup of honey
2 1/2 cups of cream (35% fat)

Alterations: Add a teaspoon of vanilla (to the whipped cream portion) & just a tiny bit of grated vanilla bean (to the honey and cream portion) for a boost of flavor.

1. Whip 1.5 cups of whipping cream (plus 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, if desired) until it forms stiff peaks, refrigerate.
2. Heat honey on low heat until it is very runny and add the remaining 1 cup of cream. Stir together until well blended (and grate in a tiny bit of vanilla bean, if you like).
3. Add honey/cream mixture to the whipped cream. Whisk until well blended.
4. Freeze approximately 6 hours until the mixture is the consistency of ice cream.

Serve with the topping of your choice & enjoy!



Pic of the Day- January 30, 2011

Syracuse ,  NY - Babel  10.21.2011
Quote "Do ye no harm, Do what thou wilt." Wiccan Rede

Fact In order to help facilitate the in bringing of Pagans to Christianity, the Christians adopted many Pagan holidays, such as what is celebrated as Easter, named after Eostre (one of the Wiccan Goddesses) in March, and of course, Christmas. Wiccans celebrate the birth of the sun, not the son. December 21st, the day the sun comes back to life, is called Yule. All of the non-religious items usually associated with Christmas, such as a tree, yule log, and so on, were Pagan first.

TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
#10 -  Hemp "Shoe Polish"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Gutter Garden

This is a neat project; it's basically rain gutters attached to the sunny side of your home which are filled with some dirt and plants.


Pic of the Day- January 29, 2011- Harley bird man

Harley bird man - Syracuse ,  NY - Mike 01.26.2011
Quote"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." William Arthur Ward
Fact There are about 100 trillion cells in your body
TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
#9 -  Hemp "kitchen cabinets"

Friday, January 28, 2011

Anime Cartoons for Free

Free anime streams,  ( Here )


Pic of the Day- January 28, 2011- Icicle

Icicle- Syracuse , NY - Mike 01.27.2011
Quote "Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well." Mahatma Gandhi
Fact The law of Conservation of Energy states that Energy can be neither created nor destroyed; the energy of the universe is constant. This is the First Law of Thermodynamics.
TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
#8 -  Hemp "Jewlery"(w/ how-to)

Homemade Toothpaste- Quick and Cheap!

You'll Need:
Baking Soda
Fine Sea Salt (table salt is acceptable)
Extract/Essential Oil of preference, optional (Peppermint, Wintergreen, Cinnamon)
Container (whatever is handy- jelly/salsa jar, plastic baggie, a glass) 

Combine 3 parts Baking Soda to 1 part Fine Sea Salt in a container, preferably with a lid. (I opted for 3/4 cups Baking Soda to 1/4 cup Fine Sea Salt as it fit my 15.5oz jar well. What works for you?)

If you'd like, add a few drops of the Extract/Essential Oil of your choice. (My personal preference, peppermint.)

Seal your container and mix well.

Place a bit atop your toothbrush and give those pearly whites a scrub.

-Turn your powder to paste; add 6 tsp. glycerin to every cup of powder along with 20-40 drops extract/essential oil of choice.
-Add a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide to your toothbrush just after applying powder.
What do you prefer?


I found the toothpaste to be a touch salty, but bearable. While my boyfriend found it to be too salty. Both felt our mouths were cleaner, and no foul breath. We plan to add a bit of hydrogen peroxide along with some more peppermint and see how that turns out.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

All Natutal Salsa Recipe

  • 6 large seeded chopped peeled tomatoes
  • 2 cups seeded chopped green peppers
  • 1 cup seeded jalapeno pepper, chopped
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 1/2 cups cider or wine vinegar
    1. Place tomatoes, peppers, onions, salt, garlic, and vinegar into a large pot.
    2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes.
    3. Pour into hot jars leaving 1/4 teaspoon head space and adjust the caps.
    4. Process for 30 minutes in boiling water bath or make fresh and store in refrigerator.
    5. Yields: 6 half pints


Plastic Bag Recycling- DIY Purse

Learn how to make a purse from plastic bags (here.) Source


Pic of the Day- January 27, 2011- Finding Its Way

Finding Its Way- Syracuse , NY - Babel 10.12.11

Quote " Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. " Dr. Seuss
Fact It takes about two years for a pineapple to grow to its full size.
TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
#7 -  Hemp "Hummus"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weather tool

Hate having to wait for the morning/evening news report to find out weather conditions? The weather underground has a great internet based weather tool that you can use free of charge.



Grey Water?

So what exactly is grey water?
"Greywater is wastewater generated from domestic activities such as laundry, dishwashing, and bathing, which can be recycled on-site for uses such as landscape irrigation and constructed wetlands. Greywater differs from water from the toilets which is designated sewage or blackwater to indicate it contains human waste.
Greywater composes 50–80% of residential wastewater generated from all of the house's sanitation equipment (except toilets)."


Pic of the Day- January 26, 2011- Bon Appétit

Bon Appétit - Babel 01.25.11

Quote " Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. " Siddhārtha Gautama
Fact Currently, 70% of all the wheat, corn and other grain produced is fed to farmed animals.
TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
#6 -  Hemp "Auto Panels"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Freecycling (Free Recycling)

Freecycling, which is sometimes referred to as Free Recycling, is the act of giving others your usable, unwanted items rather than throwing them away.  Take a look around you, perhaps you have some items cluttering your home which could be used by another.  And, it works both ways; so if there is something specific you are lacking, post a "Wanted Ad."

These sites made Freecycling (Free Recycling) a cinch for me, personally: (Select your area. Under For Sale, select Free)

Wikipedia also suggests the following sites:

Have a great night, Babel.

Super Energy Efficient Refrigerator (Air Fridge)

If you live in colder climates like I do, then why not use what nature has given us and leave the power hungry refrigerator off during these months. Here's a DIY project that will help build you an indoor cabinet that utilizes the outside air to cool your food during colder months. Or perhaps be creative and build something that fits your situation. Oh and if you do, I'd love to hear about it...


Pic of the Day- January 25, 2011- Dusk

Dusk - Onondaga Lake , NY  Babel 08.24.2010
Quote " I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is. " Alan Watts
Fact Hydrogen is the most common atom in the universe.
TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
#5 - Hemp "Pants"

Monday, January 24, 2011

Homemade Tortillas

Homemade Tortillas
The original recipe yields 24 tortillas. Preferring a larger tortilla, I made 12.

  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 1/2 cups water
    24 equal pieces


    Whisk the flour, salt, and baking powder together in a large mixing bowl. 
    Mix in the butter with your fingers until the flour resembles cornmeal.
    Add the water and mix until the dough comes together; place on a lightly floured surface and knead a few minutes until smooth and elastic. 
    Divide the dough into 24 equal pieces, enough to fill your closed fist, and roll each piece into a ball. (Or double the ball of dough for 12 larger tortillas.)

    makes 24 tortillas

    Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat.
    Use a well-floured rolling pin to roll a dough ball into a thin, round tortilla.

     Place into the hot skillet, and cook until bubbly and golden; flip and continue cooking until golden on the other side.

    Place the cooked tortilla in a tortilla warmer; continue rolling and cooking the remaining dough.
    Mmm, homemade quesadillas! After I chose to half the yield to 12.

¡que aproveche!

Homemade Drain Cleaner

This is a fast, non-caustic drain cleaner that can save you some cash. I used it just this morning on our tub; the drain cleared up and looks like new.

Here's How:

What You'll Need
  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  1. Pour half a box of baking soda down the drain.
  2. Pour vinegar over top of the baking soda to create a foaming action.
  3. Allow the foam to settle, and repeat as necessary.
  4. Enjoy a fresher smelling drain and more money in your pocket.
  1. For maximum effect, allow the drain to sit unused for awhile after cleaning.
  2. Run boiling hot water down the drain the first time you use it. This should help to remove any dirt or debris left behind.

    Pic of the Day- January 24, 2011- Tree

    Tree with Birds - East Syracuse , NY  Babel 11.24.2010
    Quote " A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books." Walt Whitman
    Fact Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system.
    TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
    #4 - Hemp "Home Insulation"

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    Free Internet Based Music

    Here's a couple of internet based radio stations to get the tunes you love for free. -- This station has rap, hip hop, country, classical, jazz, classic rock, indie rock, pop and many others. -- This station host loads of dance music; techno, dub step, trance, hard core to name a few. -- In the need for a specific song? This site will help you out. Simply type the song name and your on your way to music heaven. Free of charge... -- This site is tight!

    and few others


                         Question: If the music is free, how do the artists make money?

    Answer: Artists still make money via live concerts and hard copy CDs.  Not to mention, there are many artists who make music for the sake of making music- not for profits. If your favorite artist is whining about not making enough money, maybe it is time for them to find a new career.

    Now that you have that, why not hook your computer to your stereo and crank your favorite tunes...


    Build a Pallet Adirondack Chair

    Here's a neat DIY project which will save you loads. These chairs sell for around $100...


    Pic of the Day- January 23, 2011- Talent

    Local artists showcase their Talent - Syracuse, NY  Babel 10.21.2010
    Quote " I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." Bernard M. Baruch
    Fact Avocados have more protein than any other fruit.
    TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
    #3 - Hemp "Concrete" (Strong & Carbon Negative)

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Pic of the Day- January 22, 2011- Feral

    Feral (affectionately referred to as "Boots") Syracuse , NY - Babel 08.21.10
    Quote "Our task must be to free ourselves...
    by widening our circle of compassion
    to embrace all living creatures and the
    whole of nature and it's beauty." - Albert Einstein

     Fact Nikola Tesla devised the AC (alternating current) system that we use in our homes today.

    TheHemp100 - 100 Uses of Hemp
    #2 - Hemp "Milk"

    Upcycling Soda Cans Into Tin Ornamental Boxes

    This was a neat project I found from Hack A Day.


    Homemade Laundry Detergent - Hypoallergenic, Effective, and Saves You Money

    Homemade laundry detergent is safe, effective, easy to make, efficient, and cheaper than your alternatives. I admit I was skeptical when I came across Matt Jabs' recipe for Homemade Laundry Detergent on DIY Natural. But with a tag line of "Save Money... Increase Freedom" who wouldn't want to give his recipes a go? Plus, he was kind enough to share his personal cost breakdown which came to a savings of $.16/load! My personal savings were greater, but I did not save my receipts or calculations. (Perhaps next time, or why not share your own?) Note, this detergent is safe for front loading and top loading washers as well as High-Efficiency washing machines.
    Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe:
         1 Bar of Soap* (free of dyes & perfumes)
         1 Cup of Borax
         1 Cup of Washing Soda
    *I chose Dove® sensitive skin/unscented body soap simply because I had it. What do you have on hand?

          Cheese Grater
          Container for Detergent
          1 Tablespoon

    Using your cheese grater, shred the entire bar of soap into the container of your choice.

    Combine the cup of Borax and the cup of Washing Soda with the shredded soap.

    Stir for several minutes until thoroughly mixed.

    Lastly, toss a full load of soiled laundry into your washer followed by 1 Tablespoon of your freshly made laundry detergent.

    And just in case you have any doubts, here's my original review...
    "My family consists of several dogs and birds which when combined with our choice to refrain from using paper towels creates heavily soiled laundry. Thus, the ultimate test ensued. One SUPER soiled load of laundry and 1 tablespoon of your laundry detergent. The outcome was remarkable; I stuck my nose atop the freshly spun towels and to my surprise smelled clean linen! I will fall asleep tonight to the tumbling of my dryer and sleep peacefully knowing the environment and my wallet have been minimally impacted."
    Happy Laundering!

    Friday, January 21, 2011

    Game Time

    In the need for some old school Nintendo games, but don't want to shell out 40 bucks on an old one. Well this site host a load of old Nintendo games ported to java.


    How to Grow More Vegetables

    How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons is an excellent book on organic farming methods. If you are interested in learning about growing your own organics then this is the book. This book covers everything from double digging to proper posture to crop rotations.  If you would like to purchase a hard copy you can find several options here or click here for a free virtual copy.

    Pic of the day - January 21, 2011 - NYS Park Pratts Falls

    Moss Growth Pratts Falls , NY- Babel 08.17.2010
    Fact "Humans are 10,000 times more common than we should be, according to the rules of the animal kingdom..." says Steve Jones who headed the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment at University College London through June of 2010.
                 Quote "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" Hunter S. Thompson

                                         TheHemp100 - 100 Uses for Hemp

                 #1 - "Hemp Salad Oil"

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    Rocket Stove - Save Money on Heating

    This looks like a really cool DIY project that I will be getting into someday. A little background info from wiki
    "A rocket stove is signified by ease of construction and simplicity of building materials while accepting small-diameter fuel such as twigs or small branches, yielding high combustion efficiency and directing the resultant heat onto a small area."
     So in other words, you can heat small amounts of wood and get maximum combustion and turn that into radiant heat according to


    "On average the heat energy available from burning wood is around 4.5 kWh per kg (assuming a 20% moisture content). Assuming roughly 80% efficiency of the stove (just a rough guess) the heat extracted will be about 3.5 kWh per kg. I heat my home with electricity that costs about $0.07 per kWh. Therefore, the heating value of my scrap wood is about $0.25 per kg and by burning about 20kg per week I save about $5 per week on heating costs or about 50% of my heating bill for this time of year. Savings will be much greater in winter when the stove can be operated more frequently without the room becoming uncomfortably hot."
    So there you go cheap efficient heating; for further info check out these sites and videos: 


    Pic of the Day - January 20, 2011 - Tibetan Monks Create Sand Mandala

    Photo was taken by Babel at the Zen Center in Syracuse , NY on 10/10/2010

    Fact "Hemp has been grown for at least the last 12,000 years for fiber (textiles and paper) and food. It has been effectively prohibited in the United States since the 1950s."

    Quote "He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still." Lao Tzu

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Earthship Photos

    Keep in mind that these houses are made from mostly recycled materials; so you could use whatever you have around! You may have noticed a lot of round glass which are beer and wine bottles in the walls that create a beautiful  lighting effect. These are affordable, recycled, naturally warming and cooling homes. Earthships also use water harvesting techniques, gray and black water septic systems, solar & wind electricity, huge windows to provide natural lighting, amongst many other things these sustainable homes can offer you.


    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Earthships are the way of the future

    If You had to pick a single home that you could live the rest of your days in what would you pick? I'd probably want something that would heat itself, provide the water I need, grow my food, and of course give me shelter. Well if you're like me, then your in luck, because researcher Michael Reynolds has created such a home. It's called an earthship and can provide year-around heating, cooling, lighting, food, and water harvesting, just to name a few. Best of all is the fact that they are mostly built out of recycled tires, which people will pay you to take from them.


    Methane Harvesting, Water Heating, and Dirt from Composting

    This is just absolutely amazing! Apparently Jean Pain had figured out ways to harvest methane, heat his water and get plenty of dirt for food from a compost heap (which is just your waste) back in the 70's. So why aren't humans doing this collectively and living smarter not harder? Jean was able to heat water to 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) at a rate of 4 liters a minute which he used for washing and heating. He also distilled enough methane to run an electricity generator, cooking elements, and power his truck.

    Some sites on the matter and how to do it yourself; of course your going to need to be creative, but we are human after all and should be able to manage.

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.