You'll Need:
Baking Soda
Fine Sea Salt (table salt is acceptable)
Extract/Essential Oil of preference, optional (Peppermint, Wintergreen, Cinnamon)
Container (whatever is handy- jelly/salsa jar, plastic baggie, a glass)

Combine 3 parts Baking Soda to 1 part Fine Sea Salt in a container, preferably with a lid. (I opted for 3/4 cups Baking Soda to 1/4 cup Fine Sea Salt as it fit my 15.5oz jar well. What works for you?)
If you'd like, add a few drops of the Extract/Essential Oil of your choice. (My personal preference, peppermint.)
Seal your container and mix well.
Place a bit atop your toothbrush and give those pearly whites a scrub.
-Turn your powder to paste; add 6 tsp.
glycerin to every cup of powder along with 20-40 drops extract/essential oil of choice.
-Add a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide to your toothbrush just after applying powder.
What do you prefer?
I found the toothpaste to be a touch salty, but bearable. While my boyfriend found it to be too salty. Both felt our mouths were cleaner, and no foul breath. We plan to add a bit of hydrogen peroxide along with some more peppermint and see how that turns out.